Thursday, March 11, 2010


Oh, I am so NOT good at this waiting thing...

I keep trying to tell myself that everything will work out in the Lord's timing but honestly, I continue to get frustrated when my timing is not His timing. Sometimes I just wish the Lord would lay out the "big picture" of my life (more specifically, journey to Ethiopia) so that I could just be reassured of the end result. What's funny is that that is so not like me! I hate knowing the endings before they happen - to stories, movies, pretty much anything. I love surprises, so this waiting game should be right up my alley.......apparently not.

I found this verse on someone's blog around the time I finally decided to move to Ethiopia. I know it is a pretty popular verse in the adoption community, especially waiting for the referral, court date, travel date....actually, I guess every part of that process. Anyway, I loved the verse and knew that it would be crucial for me down the road. I had kind of forgotten about it over the last several weeks. Well, guess what just happened to pop up tonight out of nowhere.....

"For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end - it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay." Habakkuk 2:3

God is so good!!

1 comment:

Kimberly Baggett said...

waiting builds character and allows us to understand that our plans pale in comparison to the Lords....He directs our paths, thank goodness! habakkuk 2:3 is one of my favorite verses! but already knew that! God IS so good! love you!