Friday, July 2, 2010

LAST day as a recruiter...BRING IT ON

Today, I take the plunge OFF the corporate ladder into the valley of the unemployed....and I am thrilled! I mean, I've had a fairly good experience and learned a lot in the last 1.5 years, but there's no job satisfaction like the kind when you work with "the least of these". I'm sure there will days in Ethiopia where I will wish for a desk job again - during the kids' temper tantrums, when I have to learn how to ride mass transportation, or when I have food poisoning from vegetables that haven't been bleached properly. BRING IT ALL ON!!

It still doesn't seem real though. It doesn't really feel like my last day or that I'll never be back in this office. I guess it just hasn't fully hit me yet...probably will have to wait until Monday when I realize I don't have to go into work. The rejoicing will probably begin about that time. :)

Thanks's been great, but on to bigger and better things!!

Happy July 4th Weekend!!

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