Thursday, July 15, 2010

Support Letters....CHECK!

FINALLY! They are mailed. It's been a long time in process, and I'm so glad to share with everyone all the crazy things that have been happening in my world over the last few months. I also made my blog public so I guess I now have to really keep it up-to-date....a little intimidating, but I'm ready for the challenge! Here is the photo card I sent in the letters:

As of today, it is T-minus 7 1/2 weeks until my plane leaves American soil!! The time is definitely flying by - just like everyone told me it would.

This week has especially given me a dose of reality since my amazing friend, Rachael, has officially moved and is now "settled" in Addis Ababa. She left Texas on July 5 with a church group from Austin to do mission work in Zeway, Ethiopia for about 10 days. Everyone in her group returned home to the US on Wednesday (7/14), while Rachael stayed behind to begin her 2 year commitment in ET. She will be running the Cherokee Guesthouse in Addis, helping volunteers from around the world get involved with various humanitarian efforts throughout Central Ethiopia. I am so blessed to be able to have met her only a few short months ago and for us to have become such fast friends - a friendship that will only continue to grow while we are in Ethiopia together....SO excited!! One more reminder that the Lord knows what He's doing...:)

1 comment:

Kimberly Baggett said...

i am so excited for what is ahead! and by the way, are you going to post about our trip in june? do you want the video codes?