Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Solomon is HOME!!

He's finally home!! It's so strange to think that he's just a few states away from here and not halfway around the feels so surreal that the miracle has finally happened!

Solomon's story is something so unique and special that hundreds of people have now heard it. It all started over 2 years ago with an adoptive mother traveling to Ethiopia and her encounter with a 17 year old orphan named Solomon. Since then, this incredibly strong mother has done so much for orphan advocacy in Ethiopia, especially those older girls and boys who are often forgotten once they hit 8 years and older. Read her blog here for their whole story.

Solomon was the first boy I met when I went to Kolfe Orphanage in September 2008. We immediately started talking and asking lots of questions to each other while he led a tour (with tons of boys following) around the Kolfe grounds. He was such a gentleman and just one of those people you meet that you can never forget!

It has been amazing to watch his journey unfold, and I am so thrilled for him that he is finally home with his family in North Carolina! He will also be attending college and seminary on a full scholarship starting in the fall! Praising the Lord for his provision and faithfulness in ALL things! Here's the news clip that aired on the local news in Wake Forest tonight about Solomon and the Mestas family:

1 comment:

Kimberly Baggett said...

love solomon.
love the faith & determination.
love the mesta's family example.
love solomon's homecoming party.
love everything about this!